



Providing and communicating clear learning goals

Element 1
Providing Scales and Rubrics
Element 2
Tracking Student Progress
Element 3
Celebrating Success
Element 1
Providing Scales and Rubrics
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • learning intentions
  • success criteria
  • writing proficiency scale
  • SMI-Relevance
Element 2
Tracking Student Progess
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • data walls
  • monitoring tools – PM benchmark, Pat R, Pat M, CAP, SLK, ICAS
  • walks and talks
  • GR & writing anecdotal notes
Element 3
Celebrating Success
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • assembly awards
  • scholar's assembly
  • Remarkable Moments celebration
  • recognition from leadership

Using Assessment

Element 4
Using informal assessments of the whole class
Element 5
Using formal assessment of individuals
Element 4
Using informal assessments of the whole class
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • Achiever & Teams
  • Dylan Wilam strategies
Element 5
Using formal assessment of individuals
  • refer to quick reference guide

Conducting Direct Instructions Lessons

Element 6
Chunking Content
Element 7
Processing Content
Element 8
Recording and Representing Content
Element 6
Chunking Content
Element 7
Processing Content
Element 8
Recording and Representing Content

Conducting, Practising and Deepening Lessons

Element 9
Using structured practice sessions
Element 10
Examining similarities and differences
Element 11
Examining errors in reasoning
Element 9
Using structured practice sessions
Element 10
Examining similarities and differences
Element 11
Examining errors in reasoning

Conducting Knowledge Application Lessons

Element 12
Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks
Element 13
Providing resources and guidance
Element 14
Generating and defending claims
Element 13
Providing resources and guidance
Element 14
Generating and defending claims

Using Strategies That Appear in All Type of lessons

Element 15
Previewing Strategies
Element 16
Highlighting critical information
Element 17
Reviewing Content
Element 18
Revising Knowledge
Element 19
Reflecting on Learning
Element 20
Assigning purposeful homework
Element 21
Elaborating on information
Element 22
Organizing students to interact
Element 15
Previewing Strategies
Element 16
Highlighting critical information
Element 18
Revising Knowledge
Element 19
Reflecting on Learning
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • Learning Walks & Talks
  • Feedback
  • Hattie's 5 questions
  • Dylan Wilam
  • STMI
Element 20
Assigning purposeful homework
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • SCCC Homework Policy
Element 21
Elaborating on information
Element 22
Organizing students to interact

Engagement Strategies

Element 23
Noticing when students are not engaged or reacting
Element 24
Increasing response rates
Element 25
Using physical movement
Element 26
Maintaining a lively pace
Element 27
Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm
Element 28
Presenting unusual information
Element 29
Using friendly controversy
Element 30
Using academic games
Element 31
Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves
Element 32
Motivating and inspiring students
Element 23
Noticing when students are not engaged or reacting
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • BCE Pedagogy/Mind Frames
  • BCE Engage- Attendance Matters, Mental Health & Well-Being, Family Engagement, Equitable Outcomes
  • Whole Part Whole
  • STMI Motivation-Emotions
Element 24
Increasing response rate
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • BCE Pedagogy/Mind Frames
  • BCE Engage- Positive Behaviour For Learning, Equitable Outcomes
  • Whole Part Whole
  • Dylan Wiliam
Element 25
Using flexible movement
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • Brain Gym
  • Flexible Furniture
Element 26
Maintaining a lively place
  • refer to quick reference guide
Element 27
Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm
  • refer to quick reference guide
Element 28
Presenting unusual information
  • refer to quick reference guide
Element 29
Using friendly controversy
  • refer to quick reference guide
Element 30
Using academic games
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • Resources - Buzzes
Element 31
Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves
  • refer to quick reference guide
Element 32
Motivating and inspiring students
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • STMI Motivation
  • Circles (RE)

Implementing Rules and Procedures

Element 33
Establishing rules and procedures
Element 34
Organising the physical layout of the classroom
Element 35
Demonstrating "Withitness"
Element 36
Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures
Element 37
Acknowledging a lack of adherence to rules and procedures
Element 33
Establishing rules and procedures
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • PB4L
  • Class Charter
  • Star Rules
  • Restoritive Practices
Element 34
Organising the physical layout of the classroom
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • flexible furniture/collaborative classrooms
  • kidney tables/plectrums
  • David Thornburg ‘From the Campfire to the Hollow Deck'
Element 35
Demonstrate “Withitness”
  • refer to quick reference guide
Element 36
Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • BCE Engage Learner Strategies
  • 10 Essential Skills for Classroom Management
Element 37
Acknowledging a lack adherence to rules and procedures
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • BCE Engage Learner Strategies
  • 10 Essential Skills for Classroom Management

Strategies to help students feel welcome, accepted and valued

Element 38
Using verbal and non-verbal behaviours that indicate affection for students
Element 39
Understanding students' backgrounds and interests
Element 40
Displaying objectivity and control
Element 38
Using verbal and non-verbal behaviours that indicate affection for students
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • BCE Engage Learner Strategies
  • Ref-Code of conduct
Element 39
Understanding students' backgrounds and interests
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • Engage - Student Support System
Element 40
Displaying objectivity and control

Building relationships

Element 41
Demonstrating value and respect for reluctant learners
Element 42
Asking in-depth questions of reluctant learners
Element 43
Probing incorrect answers with reluctant learners
Element 41
Demonstrating value and respect for reluctant learners
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • STMI Self-regulation
  • BCE Code of Conduct
  • BCE Engaged Learners
  • Revise G & T policy
Element 42
Asking in-depth questions of reluctant learners
Element 43
Probing incorrect answers with reluctant learners
  • refer to quick reference guide
  • Dylan Wiliam
  • BCE Engaged Learners
  • Bump up Walls
  • Learning Intentions & Success Criteria
  • STMI Levels of Questioning