The Religious Life of the School focuses on the dimension of Religious Education, commonly referred to as 'teaching people to be religious in a particular way' (Moran, 1991) and is comprised of four interrelated components:
Religious Identity and Culture 
Southern Cross Catholic College derives its identity and culture from its Catholic christian character. The school is called to be a real and living expression of the Church's pastoral mission in the world.
- We promote elements associated with each of the College founders; St John Baptist de La Salle, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Monsignor Bartholomew Frawley, Bishop Daniel Delany and the Lasallian, Josephite and Brigidine charisms.
- We use symbols in ritual and liturgy such as lamps of learning, artwork and iconography associated with the College founders.
- We incorporate prayers associated from each of our Founders, eg "Let us remember we are in the Holy presense of God," "Live Jesus in our hearts ... forever," "Mary Help of Christians, pray for us."
- We celebrate our Patron, Mary Help of Christians, in our annual, whole-College Patron's Day liturgy and community celebration. In this devotional practice, emphasis is placed on the Indigenous land on which we gather and the use of traditional and contemporary prayer styles.
- Our sporting houses and secondary pastoral houses are named after our Founders. House groups meet regularly and have developed prayer rituals within the Founder's spirituality and charism.
- Policies, structures and practices provide equity for all students, such as the Mons. Frawley Bursary Program, Inclusive Enrolment Policy, Garanyali program (Indigenous student program) and Emmaus program for learning enrichment.
- We acknowledge connections with the wider church community.
Evangelisation and Faith Formation
Evangelisation and faith formation are focused in an explicit way on the call to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to respond to it in daily life and to deepen personal understanding and faith.
- Community professional development and initiatives connect the gospel of Jesus Christ and promote Christian ministry on vocation.
- Enrolment policies and structures promote inclusion in a sense of community.
- Practices promote a culture of hope, optimism, joy and inclusion that reflects a life of Jesus Christ.
- The Lasallian Youth Leader program seeks to enhance the spiritual formation of students in Years 11 and 12, so their ministry to younger students is Christ centred.
- Student leaders are provided with faith-formation experiences.
- Formation experiences such as retreats and immersions are incorporated into College activities and opportunities.
- Data forms the basis for planning spiritual formation experiences.
- We celebrate religious unity and diversity by visiting other faith communities such as the Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic and Hindi communities.
- Five spiritual charisms, or traditions, based on the beliefs of our founders, are promoted within the College community, across all campuses, using a variety of mediums (Brigidine, Josephite, Lasallian, Frawley, Marian).
- We teach students how to witness the values of Catholic schooling at external events and activities such as the ANZAC Day march, excursions and interschool sport.
Prayer and Worship
Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or a request for good things from Him. Worship is described as the adoration of God that may be expressed through praise, self-offering, sorrow or petition.
- Teachers use the College Scope and Sequence to plan, teach and pray traditional prayers, devotions and meditation practices relevant for the year level.
- A 'Religious Life of the School' roster is distributed each term, reflecting the celebrations of liturgical seasons, feasts and significant days.
- Each campus uses prayer gardens and sacred spaces to creatively build a culture of prayer within campus environments.
- Music and visual arts are used to enhance prayer experiences.
- Rites of passage, such as the End of Year 6 liturgy to transition to secondary school, Year 12 Graduation liturgy and inauguration mass, are incorporated into the College Formation Framework.
- Sacramental information is distributed to the College community and support is provided to families engaged in sacramental programs.
Social Justice and Action

At Southern Cross Catholic College we believe each person is made in the image and likeness of God and has absolute dignity and worth. We work to build the dispositions of empathy and solidarity in our students through programs for service-learning, social justice programs and outreach experiences.
- Communication and interaction between members of the College respects the rights and dignity of all.
- Social Justice is integrated throughout the College through classroom prayers, assemblies and support of organisations such as Caritas, Catholic Mission and St Vincent de Paul.
- Tools such as displays, calendars, assemblies and newsletters are used to encourage prayerful responses to social justice.
- Marginalised groups are welcomed and supported.
- The College Vision and Mission Statement and College prayer challenges the community to espouse Catholic social teaching and scripture.
- Inclusive participation is encouraged at events such as excursions, fundraisers and immersions.
- Restorative practices are engaged to promote peaceful relationships within and beyond the school community.
- College programs and practices promote reconciliation, meditation and the use of story to assist reflection on social justice issues and themes.