Positive Behaviour 4 Learning
Southern Cross Catholic College values an inclusive approach to student behaviour support and our approach is strongly grounded in Catholic Christian beliefs and values. We place great emphasis on the wellbeing of all students and share this responsibility with students, families, the community and other education and training providers.
As a school, we are uniquely positioned to positively influence wellbeing. We have a critical role to play in fostering positive and sustainable characteristics that enable students to achieve their full potential. Evidence supports the strong, mutual relationship between safety, wellbeing and learning. Identifying and reducing barriers to learning, including those linked to student behaviour, safety and wellbeing can help to maximise the educational and social outcomes for all students.
SCCC follows the Positive Behaviour 4 Learning strategy to maximise student wellbeing and achieve effective behaviour supports.
What is PB4L?
PB4L is about people, practise and processes. It is not a program, but is about the way we 'do' work. Integrated into the PB4L strategy are:
| - Wise and thorough use of data
| - Identifying and spreading good evidence-based practice

The goal of having a systematic PB4L is to achieve effective school-wide behaviour supports for all members of the school community and all involved with its implementation. It is based on three levels of support:
Level 1 Universal and academic support for all students, with the focus on creating a whole school positive learning environment, prevention of problem behaviours and early intervention for those at risk.
Level 2 Targeted support such as small group social skill instruction, academic supports and self-management strategies. Early intervention at this level is designed to stop problem behaviours becoming intense or chronic.
Level 3 Intensive or individualised support offered to students who require highly individualised behaviour support which at times will include mental health professional support and community services.
Implemented in conjunction with the Reboot program (see next page) the College aims to maximise performance outcomes for all students.