How to apply

​​​​​​​​Prep​ to Year 6

  • Enrolment forms for Prep should be completed before at least Term 1, for enrolment the following year, however an enrolment application for your child can be done at any time prior to this;

  • Interviews will be conducted in April or May for enrolment the following year;

  • Eligible children must turn five (5) by 30 June in the year they start Prep.

  • Online enrolment applications for other year levels can be completed at any time during the year, and acceptance will be subject to selection criteria and positions available.

Middle and Senior Years

  • It is assumed all students attending primary school at SCCC will move to the Secondary Campus for high school in Year 7. Parents who have students in the primary campuses will be asked to confirm their child's Year 7 enrolment in Year 6;

  • If you are a new family to the college, please complete the online enrolment application by clicking on the link below.

  • Enrolments for other year levels are accepted throughout the year as vacancies become available.

To enrol now

​1.  Click on the link for the campus you wish to enrol (below), enter and review the required details, complete and submit           the form​.

​​For families who are completing an online application for one of our primary campuses, please submit only one (1) application for your preferred ​campus. If there are limited numbers or a waitlist, you will be contacted to discuss availabilities at our other primary campuses.     ​ If you have any questions please call one of the following numbers for clarification​

​​                   Scarborough Secondary Campus  (07) 3480 3602

                   Scarborough Primary Campus       (07) 3480 3670

                   Woody Point Primary Campus       (07) 3883 1988

                   Kippa Ring Primary Campus           (07) 3204 7300

2.  If applying for enrolment for more than one (1) student, when the form is completed an option will be provided to submit​     an enrolment for each additional student.​​

Click on the link for the campus you wish to enrol:

                SCCC Scarborough Primary Campus 

                SCCC Kippa Ring Campus 

                SCCC Woody Point Campus

                SCCC Scarborough Secondary Campus

​​In addition to the completed online application, a number of supporting documents will be needed. Please forward copies of the following:

  • Birth certificate (Original will need to be sighted prior to enrolment interview)
  • Baptismal certificate (if baptised Catholic)
  • Last school report and NAPLAN report (if applicable)
  • Any medical or learning rep​orts (includes specialist assessments / reports, verification reports, etc.)
  • Legal Documentation if identified within application (Family Matters / Court order etc.)
  • Medical Action Plan if identified within application
  • Student Specialist Assessments if identified within application
  • Visa details / Australian Citizenship details if applicable (including Australian Citizenship details of parents if applicable)

​Once submitted, a notification email will be sent to you with advice on how to proceed to the next stage of the enrolment process.​

​© Brisbane Catholic Education, Southern Cross Catholic College, 2022​